Tagged: Dental Hygiene


Busting 5 myths related to oral hygiene

oral hygiene Eliminating the delusions about oral health helps in improving personal oral hygiene efforts for a wonderful and healthy smile. If you stay up to date keep up with your oral hygiene routine,...


Oral Hygiene benefits which cannot be overlooked

Oral Hygiene Taking good care of your mouth i.e. maintaining proper oral hygiene does more than just help to ensure you have a bright, white smile. A healthy mouth and healthy body go hand...


5 important steps for basic dental hygiene

Dental Hygiene Who doesn’t want a vibrant smile and white teeth? Everyone but who all are ready to make sure that they follow proper yet basic dental hygiene. Poor dental hygiene leads to a...


Gum Disease – Overview about the common problem

Gum Disease – Overview about the common problem We all know that Gum Disease is one of the most common problems we face. But how well do we know this disease? The objective of this article...


Pyorrhea: Causes and Cure

Pyorrhea: Causes and Cure Pyorrhea which is also known popularly known as Periodontitis is one of the most common dental problems faced by us. The condition occurs when the tissues i.e periodontium, surrounding and supporting the...


Common concerns related to our teeth

Common concerns related to our teeth Remember this saying – As you sow, so shall you reap. Well put in dental terms I would say [Tweet “As you eat so shall your mouth become”] Well, of...