Tagged: Thailand Dental Implants


Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment Gum Disease or Periodontal Disease is an inflammation of the tissues. These tissues support our teeth and help them stay in shape. When a patient suffers from Periodontal Disease the bottom...


Tooth Decay: A complete insight

Tooth Decay Tooth Decay is defined as the decaying of the outer surface of the teeth because of bacterial actions. If you are determined enough to follow proper dental hygiene, you won’t suffer or...


Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Do you know that your dentist has the efficiency of performing all sorts of dental procedures? One such procedure is Cosmetic Dentistry. This domain of dental treatment involves the fixing of chipped,...


Straight Wire Braces help in Straight Teeth

Straight Wire Braces This article discusses the alternate of Metallic Braces – Straight Wire Braces. As soon as our dentist tells that we need to use metallic braces what is your reaction? Well for me its...


Australian Dental Facts

Australian Dental Facts In the last post we discussed some detailed Australian Dental Facts.  So here is a quick throwback of what we discussed in the last post: Image Source With that being said, today...


Enamel – Erosion and how to Restore

Enamel – Erosion and how to Restore We have always believed the fact that enamel is the strongest tissue in the human body. Well yes it is and the other fact is that it is the...