Crown Lengthening in Thailand
Crown Lengthening
In this article:
Why is Crown Lengthening carried out?
Preparation of Crown Lengthening
Post Surgery
We all should agree to the fact that Thailand has mostly been known for cosmetic dentistry. However that is not just the only treatment available there. With such a huge number of dental clinics in Thailand you are bound to find multiple treatment procedures that suit your budget. So today we will discuss about the procedure Crown Lengthening.
Crown Lengthening is a dental surgical procedure which is carried out with the intention of revealing a higher amount of tooth structure. This is done so that the teeth can be restored artificially. This is a common surgical procedure which is carried out generally by a Periodontist. Your surgeon will remove the gum tissue, bone or even both to expose more teeth.
Why is Crown Lengthening carried out?
So whenever your dentist feels that your tooth needs to be fixed because it is not supporting the filling or crown, that’s when you undergo Crown Lengthening procedure. This generally happens when your tooth breaks from the gum line. However the other reason why this happens is when the crown or tooth fillings fall out of teeth and the bottom of tooth starts decaying. Dentist will expose or reveal more tooth so that filling or crown can be place. So in order to expose more teeth your dentist will remove the gum tissue.
There are people who have a lot of gum tissues on the upper part of teeth and such conditions are termed as Gummy Smile.
Preparation of Crown Lengthening
The first step of Crown Lengthening procedure is the visit to Periodontist. He will check and analyze your medical history and will eventually set the date of surgery for you. The pre-surgery treatment includes tooth cleaning. Furthermore if your dentist feels that there is a need of a crown he will place a temporary crown. The role of this temporary crown is to protect the teeth. With this temporary crown in place surgery becomes easier. The reason is your Periodontist will get an idea on how much soft tissue will have to be removed.
The healing time is 3 months after which your dentist will prepare the tooth and will make a brand new temporary crown.
The procedure requires or mandates the requirement of local anesthesia. The time duration of surgery depends on number of teeth that require the treatment. Even if you are undergoing this procedure for one tooth then the adjacent tooth also gets involved in treatment. This gives the flexibility to the tissue to be reshaped in due course of time. The procedure takes a bit longer if gum tissue and bone are removed however the time frame reduces if only gum tissues are removed. Your Periodontist will be making cuts because this helps in pulling gums from Teeth.
Post Surgery
Any dental treatment that you undergo has to be backed up by some basic post surgery or treatment follow up. After you have undergone the surgery you will feel your gums to be slightly (or highly) swollen. The best way to overcome this is by using ice. Fix a meeting with your Periodontist in the next 7-10 days so that the stitches can be removed.
Gums generally heal within 3 months. During this time tooth is prepared for the final crown. There is a possibility that the edges of the crown can show up.
So this was the comprehensive detail of Crown Lengthening surgery. One should also know that Thailand has some of the best dental clinics who are offering best treatment at really affordable prices. Some of the most common and famous treatments include
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Gum Lift
- Tooth Whitening
- Bone Graft
- Sinus Lift
- Jaw Reduction