Tagged: Gum lifting in Thailand


Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment Gum Disease or Periodontal Disease is an inflammation of the tissues. These tissues support our teeth and help them stay in shape. When a patient suffers from Periodontal Disease the bottom...


Straight Wire Braces help in Straight Teeth

Straight Wire Braces This article discusses the alternate of Metallic Braces – Straight Wire Braces. As soon as our dentist tells that we need to use metallic braces what is your reaction? Well for me its...


All you need to know about Pericoronitis

Pericoronitis We need to extra cautious about the well being of our mouth. It is so sensitive and prone to all sort of diseases, infection and inflammation that we do not know when we...


Gum Disease – Overview about the common problem

Gum Disease – Overview about the common problem We all know that Gum Disease is one of the most common problems we face. But how well do we know this disease? The objective of this article...


Smoking and Gum Problems

Smoking and Gum Problems Smoking has never proved to do any good to anyone. It is one such habit that is easy to adapt but difficult to quit. No matter what you eat or...