Why is it a bad idea sleeping without brushing your teeth?
Brushing Your Teeth
Is it really bad sleeping without brushing? We all think it’s just one night. Who cares. But trust us, and not just us but the scientists, and not just the scientists all the dentists as well, its sure is a bad idea sleeping without brushing.
It definitely is a bad one. After every meal, all the bacteria that naturally reside do party over the food that we have eaten. And just like us, and like other living being, they excrete waste. The excreted waste is highly acidic and breaks down tooth enamel, causing root decay and cavities.
When we sleep without brushing, plaque starts to harden up and calcify. Once plaque has calcified, it’s impossible to remove with normal toothbrush and floss and can only be removed during tooth cleaning.
Now, we all know about the term called immune system and it works to fix the body. Well that is so true. The immune system immediately gets into action by attacking that plaque, and while trying to kill the plaque, it also kills the healthy tissues. That’s makes the gums being pulled away from the tooth.
We have all heard that flossing increases our life span. But how so? When we floss and brush, it takes all the residue and that allows bacterial parties. Once there is no party, there is no waste left behind. When there is no waste, there is no un-necessary inflammation.
This un-necessary inflammation or chronic one, is linked to hearing loss, dementia and heart disease. Now, the more we eradicate, the longer we live. As simple as that.
We understand its difficult coming home after party, and then brushing when its already difficult staying upright, but its okay. Only a habit of not brushing every day causes trouble. It’s a good habit to freshen up, brush, wash face and feet and then have a sound sleep. There is no harm living a few years extra.
Dr Sunil specializes in tooth cleaning and taking out all those bad ones. So, if you had a few nights where in staying upright was a problem, do visit us. We will help you clean that bad plaque and help you stay healthy. Looking for Dental Implant Thailand.