Dental Implants: Procedure and Advantage
Dental Implants: Procedure and Advantage
The procedure of dental care has evolved and has improved by leaps and bounds. There is not just one but many surgical procedures that have come up which gives us a smile makeover. Although, Dental Care has changed there are still many of us who have to deal with Tooth Loss. Some suffer from tooth loss at a very early age because of accident or bad eating habits and some start losing it at a later age. Accident is not the only reason to suffer from tooth loss. Tooth loss occurs due to various gum diseases such as Tooth Decay, Gingivitis or Periodontal Diseases.
Dentures and Bridges were the options available treatment options but now we have another and much better treatment option of Dental Implant. Dental Implants are replacement teeth. They have the capacity and the capability to provide a strong base to the permanent teeth. They are also made in such a way that they give an appearance of natural looking teeth.
Before we get into the procedure lets see what is the advantage of undergoing a Dental Implant (I know you do not like visiting a dentist but still these advantage will lessen the fear):
Look how terrified the guy is in the pic but do not worry Dental Implants are not as scary as its shown it the infograph above. So how does your dentist go about this procedure?
- First your treatment plan is discussed where your requirement for implant is discussed. This plan is created by specialist team of your Dentist who are trained on oral surgery and restorative dentistry.
- Your dentist will then make the implant out of titanium and then place it on the socket of your teeth.
- It takes nearly 12 weeks for the jawbone to heal but once its healed it will secure the implant in its place.
- After this an abutment is placed. This is done so that the teeth can be placed more firmly.
- Once the abutment is placed an impression of the teeth is taken so that your dentist can create a model or the replacement teeth called as Crown. Once your dentist has created the crown it will be placed on the Abutment. And this completes the procedure of Dental Implant.
It is time consuming yet a very effective procedure. You get replacement teeth which matches not just by the looks but also with the functionality of the natural teeth. You have to take care of the replacement teeth just like you did for the natural ones. You need to follow proper dental cleaning habits such as Flossing, Brushing 2-3 times in a day and using Mouthwash.
Just a little heads up – Why do you want to undergo dental implant if you can take care of your teeth pretty much easily? But in case you cannot, then do not do any sort of experiment with your teeth. Let your dentist handle it. So until next time and forever Keep Smiling and Stay Healthy.