Category: Dentistry


Dental Facts related to Australian Citizens

Dental Facts related to Australian Citizens No matter where you are based out one thing that you need to make sure to get the best smile is – Respecting Your Teeth. You need to take care...


Facts about your teeth to surprise you

Facts about your teeth A lot of serious facts have been discussed in Dental Health. Before we proceed with some of the interesting facts let us together see what we have discussed so far....


3 most important factors for perfect oral health

3 most important factors for perfect oral health When it comes to your mouth, the more you take care of it the more it stays healthy. Infact that is true for the entire body....


Enamel – Erosion and how to Restore

Enamel – Erosion and how to Restore We have always believed the fact that enamel is the strongest tissue in the human body. Well yes it is and the other fact is that it is the...


Gum Disease – Overview about the common problem

Gum Disease – Overview about the common problem We all know that Gum Disease is one of the most common problems we face. But how well do we know this disease? The objective of this article...


Do not miss out on these amazing dental facts

Do not miss out on these amazing dental facts We have recently discussed about certain amazing dental facts and stats but do you think that was all? Well no!! As mentioned previously our mouth...


Tooth Pathology

Tooth Pathology The only way we can maintain a healthy oral hygiene is by eating and drinking things that are healthy and good for our body. But still there are nearly 60% people who...


Lets talk seriously funny facts about teeth

Lets talk seriously funny facts about teeth It has been told that brushing and flossing are two very important aspects of teeth cleaning. However how many of us actually do that? How many of...