Complications in Root Canal Treatment and root canal specialist
Complications in Root Canal Treatment and root canal specialist
When you think about a root canal, you likely envision a painful dental treatment that requires a fair bit of recovery. A root canal is normally done when there is a problem, such as inflammation or infection, which can result in tooth decay, a cracked tooth or a continued need to treat the area. Undergoing a root canal helps prevent pain and the possibility of developing an abscess. For many people, the procedure goes off without a hitch, but root canal complications are a risk of the surgery and understanding them before you have surgery helps prepare you for the recovery period. Fortunately, the procedure isn’t always as painful as you might expect and you can return to your normal day-to-day activities soon after.
Does Root Canal hurt?
Because a root canal involves cleaning and repairing the root area of a tooth, you’re likely to feel some pain in the days following the procedure. This might range from a dull ache to a sharp pain, but it shouldn’t be so bad that it debilitates you. However, if some bacteria remains behind after the canal is cleaned, it can grow and result in pain down the road. If the area feels better, then begins to hurt again, contact your dentist right away for follow-up treatment in the area.
Pain areas in Root Canal
In some cases, you might have more than one root that’s causing you problems. If one of the canals is missed, bacteria can remain, which can result in the need for a repeated root canal. Having a second surgery in the same area is bit more involved because your dentist has to remove the fillings and any crowns or implants that were placed in order to get to the roots of the tooth.
Undetected Crack in the Root
A missed crack in the root of your tooth is one of the root canal complications that can lead to bacterial growth and the possibility of further treatment. If your dentist doesn’t notice a small crack in the root of your tooth, it leaves the area exposed to the reintroduction of bacteria in the area.
Shoddy Materials used
Over time, the inner seal placed during a root canal can erode, which allows bacteria to transfer back into the root of your tooth. This is a complication your dentist is likely to warn you about so you can take proper care of the area to prevent this or slow the process. However, in some cases, a defective restoration occurs and allows bacteria back into the canals.
What you should know
When you have a root canal, it’s important to have it done at a reputable location by a dentist with experience performing the procedure. Follow after-care instructions very carefully to promote adequate and proper healing. Notify your dentist right away if something doesn’t feel right or you’re worried that the root canal wasn’t fully successful. A follow-up can help detect possible problems and treat them before they get worse.
Root Canal Specialist
A root canal specialist, also known as an endodontist, is a dental professional who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of conditions affecting the inside of the tooth, including the root canals. Root canal specialists undergo advanced training beyond dental school to gain expertise in treating complex cases and helping patients preserve their natural teeth.
Root canal specialists use specialized tools and techniques to perform root canal treatment, which involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from inside the tooth and cleaning out the root canals. This procedure is crucial in preserving the natural tooth and preventing the need for more extensive dental work.
If you are experiencing symptoms such as tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, or swelling in the gums, it may be time to consult with a root canal specialist. They can perform a thorough examination of the tooth and surrounding tissues to determine if root canal treatment is necessary.
One of the main benefits of seeking treatment from a root canal specialist is their expertise and specialized training. Root canal specialists have a deep understanding of the complex anatomy of the teeth and are equipped to handle even the most challenging cases.
Additionally, root canal specialists use advanced technology and techniques to perform root canal treatment, including microscopes and digital imaging, which can help ensure precise and effective treatment.
In conclusion, if you are experiencing tooth pain or suspect that you may need root canal treatment, it is important to seek out the expertise of a root canal specialist. By consulting with a skilled and experienced root canal specialist, you can receive a precise diagnosis and effective treatment to preserve your natural teeth and maintain good oral health. With the help of a root canal specialist, you can rest assured that you are in good hands and on the path to a healthy, pain-free smile.