Dr Sunil Dental Blog Blog


Bone Graft for Dental Treatments

Bone Graft Bone Graft procedure is carried out when you suffer tooth loss and it becomes important to restore the bones in your jaw. It is also used to maintain bone structure after the tooth...


Tooth Problems: The top 6

Tooth Problems Our mouth is prone to undergo all the adversities. We tend to eat things which results in some of the gravest Tooth Problems. However the fact is that we need to understand that...

Dentures cost 0

Dentures cost and its types

Dentures cost Dentures are removable aesthetics which is used when a patient loses his/her teeth. These are made out of acrylic or at times they are a combination of acrylic and metal. Dentures also...


Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Do you know that your dentist has the efficiency of performing all sorts of dental procedures? One such procedure is Cosmetic Dentistry. This domain of dental treatment involves the fixing of chipped,...


Thailand Dental Tourism

Thailand Dental Tourism Thailand has always been open to tourists with its exotic locations and beautiful beaches. This is the reason why in 2012 it surpassed London with nearly 16 million paying visit to...


Gum Disease : Symptoms and Treatments

Mouth is one of the most vulnerable part of our body and Gum Disease is one of the most common disease faced by us and that too at the global level. We are so much ignorant...


Gum Disease Treatment – Surgical and Non Surgical

Gum Disease Gum Disease is one of the most common disease which we suffer from. The reason why we end up suffering from this disease is because of the erratic and unhealthy eating habit and...