Dr Sunil Dental Blog Blog


Process and Prevention of Dental Caries

Process and Prevention of Dental Caries Today’s blog deals with the Process and Prevention of Dental Caries. But before we get into the details of the process and prevention of dental caries let us first understand what...


Straight Wire Braces help in Straight Teeth

Straight Wire Braces This article discusses the alternate of Metallic Braces – Straight Wire Braces. As soon as our dentist tells that we need to use metallic braces what is your reaction? Well for me its...


Australian Dental Facts

Australian Dental Facts In the last post we discussed some detailed Australian Dental Facts.  So here is a quick throwback of what we discussed in the last post: Image Source With that being said, today...


Dental Facts related to Australian Citizens

Dental Facts related to Australian Citizens No matter where you are based out one thing that you need to make sure to get the best smile is – Respecting Your Teeth. You need to take care...


Facts about your teeth to surprise you

Facts about your teeth A lot of serious facts have been discussed in Dental Health. Before we proceed with some of the interesting facts let us together see what we have discussed so far....


Beware of these 7 dental disease

Beware of these 7 dental disease Its never fun to suffer from any sort of disease. We all want to hail and hearty and that’s how it should be. No matter what or where,...


3 most important factors for perfect oral health

3 most important factors for perfect oral health When it comes to your mouth, the more you take care of it the more it stays healthy. Infact that is true for the entire body....


Tooth Cavity: Common Dental Condition

Tooth Cavity If you or your kid is suffering from Tooth Cavity or Tooth Decay then you need to understand that you are not alone. As per the research by Journal of Dental Research the untreated tooth decay is a condition...


Enamel – Erosion and how to Restore

Enamel – Erosion and how to Restore We have always believed the fact that enamel is the strongest tissue in the human body. Well yes it is and the other fact is that it is the...