Tagged: Dental Condition


Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity This is one of the most common dental issue faced by us globally. Tooth Sensitivity or as it is medically known as dentin hypersensitivity impacts the tooth or the areas which are visible....


All you need to know about Pericoronitis

Pericoronitis We need to extra cautious about the well being of our mouth. It is so sensitive and prone to all sort of diseases, infection and inflammation that we do not know when we...


Dental effects of a rare disease

Dental effects of a rare disease We have discussed it time and again that if our mouth isn’t healthy we can end up getting affected by other chronic diseases. But have you ever heard...

Teeth Whitening Services 0

Everything you want to know about Cosmetic Dentistry

Everything you want to know about Cosmetic Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry is one such treatment that has grown by leaps and bounds. Just like a patient undergoes a complete transformation with Cosmetic Dentistry, similarly this procedure...